Wednesday 25 December 2013

Put the Glass Down

Many of us are carrying a lot of useless thoughts in our mind all day long. These thoughts are all crap (sorry for being unorthodox).

You are reading this and still you are wandering, What I am gonna read? What is this all about? and a lot more questions.
My Friend, Please clean your mind for a while and then start reading. You will feel much better.
So, What I want to say is "Don't take any burden for a long time, It will start hurting you."

so, here we go with actual stuff.

In a college, Lecturer came with a glass full of water. Students were thinking, "today teacher is very angry on someone so, he has brought water with him".

Teacher hold the glass in his hand up-straight,and asked, how much this glass will weigh?

"50gm, 200gm, 250gm...." were the reply from students.

Teacher asked again " so, what will happen,if I will hold this glass like this for an hour ?"

"Nothing" students replied.

"What will happen if I will hold this for a day?"

"Your hand will start hurting and you might get admitted to a hospital' reply came.

Then teacher said " that's what I want you to understand, Our Brain is holding our useless thoughts"

"if we will keep it for a longer time, it will start hurting you, might paralyze you".

So, before going to sleep, you must remove all your useless thoughts and sleep freely. You will definitely wake up fresh next day and you will fight hard for your dreams .

But if you will keep all your thoughts in your mind for a longer time, your productivity will decrease and you won't focus on your path.


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